Watch recording of the December Meeting by clicking here
November 4 FPRA Meeting Minutes
FPRA ByLaws Changes- Changes to the existing FPRA ByLaws were discussed and sent out as a voting item.
Results of the ByLaw Changes VOTE are: majority YES for all but Article V, section 4. That is at 50% no and 45.8% yes. One of the No votes, sent a supplemental email stating "1) required rotation of President position quarterly - I think it is totally fine for the president to switch every 3 months if that is what the current president wants. Setting it in the bylaws REQUIRES this rotation which candidly, seems excessive and unnecessary. I think we should allow FOR the president position to rotate but should not REQUIRE it.”
Broadway Liquors License Transfer- Luna from 628 S Broadway. No problems at this location with regard to loitering or intoxicated people- no violations. Proposing to have a wine tasting bar of 5 seats or less next to the counter, similar to Canton Crossing or Bo Brooks Liquor. This allows them to remain open on Sundays. A petition of over 200 signatures was sent to the liquor board already. License transfer request- The only way to be open 7 days is to have a small bar/tasting table in their establishment. Liquor Board hearing on Nov 17. Request that FPRA write a letter not opposing the request (if the FPRA membership approves.) Currently Broadway Liquors is open until 12am, but wants to stay open until 1:30am. MOU recommended if agreement is written into the license.
Results of the VOTE are: 25 votes resulting in YES - 23 votes (92%), NO- 2 votes (8%) for transfer: Closing time at 12am - 15 votes (60%), at 2am - 1 vote (4%), No preference - 9 votes (36%)
New FPRA Board Members All asked to raise their hand if they were interested in becoming a Board Member. No one raised their hand. Anyone can still nominate a neighbor as a board member or nominate themselves prior to the December FPRA members meeting when voting on the 2021 FPRA Board will occur. Current Board members (minus one) will remain in place if no others nominated.
Committee Updates- Susan Singer is the lead of the new Social Committee, which will strengthen community bonds and have some fun. Ideas include monthly book group, walking group, speaker series, and a digital newsletter similar to the Fell’s Pointer and including business events and discounts for homeowners. Social Committee would also foster networking opportunities for business owners and residents. FPRASocialCommittee@gmail.com
Community Service Update- Thank you to all who contributed to PB&J Kidz Table donations. Living Classrooms asked us to assist with Thanksgiving boxes. FPRA will support 20 Thanksgiving families. Others should also contribute individually if desired- sponsorship is $50 a box and includes a turkey. Visit the Farmers Market for a list of items needed. Beans & Bread has asked us to donate desserts on Nov 25 for their Thanksgiving meal. Contact Susan Schaetzle to contribute. All donations are appreciated! Visit the FPRA Website Community Service Tab or the Farmers Market for more information.
Fundraising Committee- Nicole asked for volunteers to help with ongoing Harbor Ball fundraising and other opportunities. T-Shirt FPRA Fundraiser also an option. Please email Nicole directly.
Safety Committee update- Theresa thanks Joshua, Zeke and BPD for a well staffed and issue-free Halloween. There were no Part 1 crimes (significant) in Fell’s Point on Halloween night. Security data had been submitted to Zeke Cohen’s office and BPD prior to Halloween and we believe that made a difference in enforcement. If you see an emergency, call 311 or 911. Sara reminded that Safety Committee membership is open to everyone and email SafetyCommittee@fellspoint.org meetings are Wednesdays bi-weekly and focus on gathering data on safety concerns to share with BPD. This is an active committee.
Thames Street Park Poster- The Thames Street Billboard sign in the park has been repaired and is requesting decorating. Meeting announcements, etc...is appreciated. David Martz has the key to open the box and can add new art or notifications. Concern raised that the billboard may be currently unlocked. There are old posters still in the box that the Historical Society may want. Anyone with ideas, please contact fprasecretary@gmail.com. Artwork is also desired.
Road Closure Q&A- Joshua Thompson; Zeke Cohen’s COS and city Council Member presented. Weekend road closures with pickup trucks continued through Halloween. Discussion with many agencies didn’t secure immediate next steps- trucks not expected to continue due to resource constraints. Residents and businesses to submit observations about how closures have helped or made a difference in keeping neighborhood safe going forward. Work ongoing to reopen Thames St for one-way traffic west-bound between S Ann St and Caroline St except for nightly closure from 9pm and 6am. This is intended to quell disruptive vehicle traffic in this area. FPRA will put together a consolidated document on comments. Please email safetycommittee@fpra.org to have your input considered.
Closing Comments- Fell’s Point parklets aren’t as cohesive as Mt. Vernon or other areas. Jeff D has met with CHAP. Downtown partnership spent $100K to make the area cohesive. Multiple violations have been issued to parklets. Most money for this has been issued to other areas in the city. Keith Mainhart is the new Executive Director of FPMS. Trying to keep the look of Fell’s Point such that people want to come here and recognize the historic aesthetic. FPMS will include the residents in the guidelines going forward but they are not the design review committee. This will be an agenda item for the December FPRA members meeting.
Oct 7, 2020 Minutes
Wednesday, October 7 ZOOM
FPRA Members Meeting
0700-0705: Welcoming Remarks: (Peter) 41 members in attendance. Treasurer’s report given.
0705-0720: Senator Ferguson: Gave update on pandemic issues and how it’s affecting education and resources in Baltimore City. Challenging to give an economic forecast. Encouraged all residents to vote on Nov 3 and recommended voting Yes to Qu #1 and #2. Schools have lack of computer access- over 11,000 children without necessary digital materials. Community asked about need for more public transportation. To reach out directly to the Senator’s office, contact Tyler at: Tyler.McCurdy@mlis.state.md.us
0720-0725: 606 S. Ann St RFP: (Nikki Cooper-Moore, Theresa Stevens, Kate Edwards, The Department of Housing & Community development) There will be a community meeting in December giving the opportunity to present presentations, score proposals, and give feedback to the Housing office. RFP’s are scored by panelists with an announcement expected in early 2021. Question asked if it could be a library again. To follow up with Nikki directly, email: Nikki.cooper@baltimorecity.gov
Kuo Pao Dian presented an RFP for a public offering on the site. He wants to reclaim the property as a community amenity or historic structure. Some suggestions were: micro-business incubator for start-ups, community center with gardens.
0725-0730: Fell's Point signage proposal: (Charlie Norton) Custom designed sign made to introduce visitors to Fell’s Point was described including the concept art and why certain photos were used. One sign would be installed on Thames/Wolfe, the other on S. Thames by the parking lot near the Frederick Douglass museum. Signs would be 3.5’ x 5’ and made of dibold with aluminum supports. FPRA support to be voted on at subsequent meeting. Please see design below minutes.
0730-0735: 601 S Broadway (Nate Prezl): The Super Linens location on Broadway may be repurposed as apartments plus retail space. There will be no off-street parking and no more curb cuts. For more info, contact npretl83@gmail.com
0735-0745: Paris Bienert: If voting in person, the usual locations aren’t open this year- there are fewer in person locations. Encouraged voting by mail. Be aware the ballot in the mailbox is a request form, not the actual ballot. Closest drop-off locations are the SE Anchor Library or Dunbar HS. Contact for more information: parisocbienert@gmail.com
0745-0800: Delegate Lierman: Answered questions about Al Fresco dining- she is in support of it lasting forever. Also answered questions about Halloween and street closures- the closures are in place because illegally parked cars can’t be moved if the streets are opened some of the time. Brooke.Lierman@house.state.md.us
0800-0810: FPRA By-Laws Recommendations (Peter): Changes will include need for virtual meeting by Zoom, and amendment proposals for voting process, SOPs, and more. Will be talking to legal council. Please see original ByLaws and recommended changes below.
0810-0815: Community Service Committee Update (Susan): Beans & Bread was a success. Kidz Table PB&J drop-off at the Farmers Market through October.
0815-0820: Safety Committee Update (Sara & Theresa): Send any information on 911/311 calls or videos and pictures to safetycommittee@fpra.org Consider alternate 911 options for those that don’t want to involve the BPD. Waterfront Partnership has a walk-home service. Safety Committee is reaching out to other safety task forces to connect the groups together. Guidance on Halloween will be sent to resident emails.
0820-0825: Al Fresco Road Closures (Darin M): Proposal has been sent to Zeke Cohen’s office from FPMS to make Thames one way. The Major recommends road closures should remain. There are proposals to remove plastic barriers. If Thames is one way, businesses may suffer.
0825-0830: Final Q&A, Closing Remarks: Statements from residents included: There are issues with the way the parklets look. Federal Hill has different standards and restrictions than Fell’s Point and other areas. There is continued lack of enforcement by BPD on traffic and noise violations. Many would like to be involved in committees and don’t know the proper way to join. A new FPRA Board will be voted on in December.
Sept 9 FPRA Special Meeting to discuss change in board leadership
7:15pm at The Admiral’s Cup and by ZOOM
17 attendees
Peter Bodde opened the meeting.
Reminder that the FPRA board are all volunteers. In the past few weeks, the board has accomplished community service initiatives and is holding a membership drive.
The reason David Johnson, former FPRA President, was asked to step down was due to his contact with city officials- stating views were reflected on behalf of the FPRA, when they were not. He was asked to remain a board member, but declined.
Comments and feedback (names withheld):
Didn’t like the way this happened. Thinks David J did a good job and all members should have been able to make the decision on a leadership change, not just the board.
Response: This decision falls within the purview of the board and is written in the bylaws.
Why not wait until a vote on new FPRA board members naturally occurs in December- why did this happen now?
What would have happened if the Board vote was split 3/3?
If there were problems, the entire membership would have liked to have heard it.
Response: It would have been problematic to have a Zoom discussion for 60+ people with this sensitive topic, thus the invite was sent to those requesting to participate, as stated in the Sept 2 FPRA meeting and captured in the minutes, posted to the website.
Concerns with the process. Looks like a power grab. Why weren’t all members invited?
Response: Peter did not ask for this position, not a power grab. Many people who requested further information were not current active members and wouldn’t have been included in the discussion, even some who joined the Sept 9 call. The FPRA board didn’t want any negative statements about David J, the Board, or the residents to be broadcasted unnecessarily, thus the smaller group of those who had requested more information.
Did David J know the board was considering his removal?
Response: Peter and David J had frequent discussions about topics of concern, and their conversations are private, but he did not know that the board was going to ask him to step down in advance.
FPRA would benefit from more engagement from the community and membership, including involvement beyond attending the monthly meetings.
Those who would like more input into decisions should consider running for the FPRA Board in December. Those who disagree with the way this current board is running have the ability to vote for new board members in December, although last year, most positions ran unopposed.
There are upcoming positive community activities such as a shredder truck, second recycling dumpster, and police captain meeting about safety.
Sept 2, 2020 Minutes
September 2021 Minutes
Item #1, Installing VISIT BALTIMORE Sign/Sculpture in Fell’s Point
Majority of members voted= NO
(YES= 20, NO= 21, Blank/Abstain= 2)
Item #2, Installing STOP SIGN at Ann/Lancaster St Intersection
Majority of members voted= YES
(YES= 40, NO=2, Blank/Abstain= 1)
Wednesday, September 2, 2020​
7pm by Zoom
FPRA Board Changes (Peter)- David Johnson is no longer serving as President of the FPRA Board. Peter Bodde will assume the position of President until the next Board election in December. A subsequent meeting will be scheduled to answer questions about this change in Board membership. Email fprasecretary@gmail.com to be included and receive an invite to that follow-on discussion
New virtual voting process (Jonathon)- Voting link was shared frequently through the Zoom chatbox. Tally of all current members’ votes will occur with 24 hours of the conclusion of the meeting (8:30pm EST on Thursday, Sept 3)
Community Recycling on Sept 5 (Jonathon)- Wheelabrator will supply a recycling dumpster from 7am-1pm on Saturday at the corner of S. Bond and Thames, outside Bond Street Social. FPRA will research having a bi-weekly recycling drop-off, based on the success of this first event.
Community Service Initiative Updates
(Susan) Results of August School Supply Drive- Successful supply drive, thank you for the donations.
September Event- Beans and Bread- Beans and Bread is requesting casseroles and will supply recipes. They also need a team of people to volunteer at this event. A sign-up sheet for volunteers will be provided at the FPRA booth at Saturday’s Farmers Market and will soon be posted to the FPRA Website.
1935 Aliceanna St project notice
(Caroline Hecker, Elm Street Development, checker@rosenbergmartin.com)- Demo has begun on this location. The street has become very narrow as a result, and the sidewalk is wide. Originally people had been moved to the North side of Aliceanna on the pedestrian path but that was changed. Elm Street Development (Jim) will discuss with DOT what can be done about the narrow streets to avoid an accident. Work should be complete in 1 year per the proposal.
Visit Baltimore Sign installment updates
(Al Hutchinson, Visit Baltimore) - The rebranding began before the pandemic hit. This is proposed as a static piece of art to place in the community. Concern from the community that a local artist could have been commissioned. An RFP was sent out and the best firm won the RFP. Susan Singer, FPMS Marketing Committee, believes this will help businesses by drawing people to walk up broadway to see the sign. Bryce Turner thinks Fell’s Point needs an “urban edge”. Other residents deemed the design inappropriate to place in a historic location. VOTE included a contingency that a YES vote was to install the sign by the Broadway Market. A NO vote is against installation in Fell’s Point at this time.
Proposal for extended parklet hours
(DOT Steve Sharkey)- A few parklets have requested a 2am closure time, as opposed to the current 10pm closures. Businesses are pushing for this change. Darin M (FPMS/ Admiral’s Cup) proposed to amend the closure time to 11pm on weeknights and 12am/ midnight on weekends. Some questions asked/ still open:
Will the parklet times be amended once indoor dining is fully reopened?
Will this amendment be for establishments with food service only, or will outdoor beverage-only/bar service be approved?
Will outside patrons be able to use indoor restrooms until 12am/midnight?
Some residents expressed the outdoor partying tempered once the parklets were created. Others disagreed and noted a dramatic difference in Fell’s Point this year including motorcycles, closures, shootings- mostly without enforcement. Caroline St is still particularly disruptive and loud at night, regardless of parklets. Jeff D is working with Josh on signage changes for parking during Al Fresco dining.
RPP Zones will be enforced city-wide per DOT Sharkey.
(ACTION) Darin M/ FPMS will generate and send a new draft letter to FPMS with an 11pm Parklet closure for upcoming VOTE on a later date.
Baltimore Development Corp small business assistance
(Luis Cardona) Assistance for local businesses, start-ups, residents on unemployment- The BDC has grants and loans to improve businesses. They can provide a 1:1 match up to $1k to spruce up exterior of businesses through a Facade Grant. BDC also can provide disaster relief. Contact Luis directly for financial aid assistance at: lcardona@baltimoredevelopment.com
Safety Committee Updates
(David M) Proposal for stop sign at Lancaster/Ann St - Speed bumps had been previously proposed. Concern that there isn’t a full stop at a busy pedestrian intersection and this is a matter of public safety. It’s more enforceable with a stop sign. DOT is not currently performing traffic studies. They recommend against paddles, as they get knocked down. Motion to vote on stop sign.
(Sara/Theresa) safetycommittee@fellspoint.org/ data on violations, parking, etc.Two new co-chairs of the safety committee were introduced, Sara Costello and Theresa Anderson. They are working on pushing out a survey and gathering data. There is a confirmed meeting with BPD they will attend and bring all data points. All are to call 911/311 and send an email with information including videos or pictures to the Safety Committee email alias.
NEXT MEETING: Weds, October 7, 2020 7pm by Zoom
Draft Agenda (so far):
Delegate Lierman to hold “Ask me Anything”
Senator Bill Ferguson to present on his voting record and plans
Proposal on 606 S Ann Street from Department of Housing and Community Development
Aug 12, 2020 Minutes
Fell’s Point Resident Association
Members Meeting 08/12/2020
12 Aug 2020 / 7:00 PM / by ZOOM
Not logged on ZOOM- not a voting meeting
Introduction of new FPRA Board Members
Kim Stanbro, Secretary, and Kate Simms, Asst Secretary
FPMS Proposal for Visit Baltimore Sculpture (Maureen)​
Goal to bring more customers into Fell’s Point with N. Broadway placement; location will be based on Design Review Committee CHAP recommendation; alternately location could be to entice visitors to park in the Caroline St garage
Art sculpture would be a temporary installation and the design cannot be changed
Design was approved by Bryce Turner, BCT
Also seeking approval from the Historic Preservation Society
Member questions and comments:
Is this appropriate for a public square?
Is this safe/ children climbing on it, liability concerns
The size is too large for the square: 11’ x 8’​
Al Fresco
(Darin) Traffic plan and street direction changes; working with DOT, Liquor Board, Maj Hopkins, and others about the traffic plan- some roads may need opened up. For the most part, the businesses agree with the road changes.
(Jeff) There is an agreement with DOT that there will be no further changes until after Sept 7.
Al Fresco survey can be reached at: FPALFRESCO.org and encourage as many people to respond as possible; survey will close Sept 7
Safety Committee (Peter)
Concerns over partiers on S. Caroline Street including public intoxication and car racing; noise until 3am
The Safety Committee is gathering information and documenting safety issues to present to law enforcement officials
Problems in Fell’s Point are minor in comparison to the rest of Baltimore
Lack of willingness by residents to call police; documentation will justify need for more resources
Block Captains being considered to assist with documenting violations
The Safety Committee took the action to meet with the Mayor and Mayor-elect asking about the noise and safety issues
The safety committee strongly encourages residents to call 911 when violations occur
Member questions and comments:
Lack of police presence
Calling 911 for speeding motorcycles and noise issues (22 minutes before police arrived)
Pop-up partying is hard to enforce without regular police presence
Lack of enforcement for driving while intoxicated
Community Service (Susan/Nicole)
School supply drive occurring through August 22
Drop-off locations at Hendersons Wharf, V-No, and others (Su Casa recommended)
Items should be new and will benefit Living Classrooms
Contact seschaetzle@gmail.com for more information
Create Safety Committee Email Distro (Kim/Jonathon)
Action Complete: Safetycommittee@fpra.org
Add New members to Safety Committee meetings (Kim/Peter)
Action Complete, Aug 13
Wednesday, Sept 2, 2020
7pm by ZOOM
Fell's Point Residents Association